
Seminar on traditional Eastern medicine

Eastern medicine sees human beings as energy flows in the chakras, meridians and fine-material structures. It is the flow of chi, or energy blocks, tao, Reiki, Kundalini according to different traditions. Learn the basic principles of traditional Chinese medicine. You will try to diagnose the flows of energy meridians. You can try individual therapyand their influence on the body.

Eastern medicine works with all phases of treatment. Purifies and opens up energy channels. You can consciously activate energy flows in the system. It is important to restore the natural dynamics of actions and reactions. Consequently creating favorable conditions for our lives. All the methods are useful for all stages of treatment.
1. When preventive analysis of potential energy blocks on the chakras and meridians.
2. In situations where our body signals the growing energy blocks
3. In situations where we have been diagnosed with the disease and measure to block individual organs
4. In situations where the disease has long limits and other related organs which are blocked

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Seminar on traditional Eastern medicine

Seminar on traditional Eastern medicine

Eastern medicine sees human beings as energy flows in the chakras, meridians and fine-material structures. It is the flow of chi, or energy blocks, tao, Reiki, Kundalini according to different traditions. Learn the basic principles of traditional Chinese medicine. You will try to diagnose the flows of energy meridians. You can try individual therapyand their influence on the body.

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